• Recurrent and chronic UTIs in women happen because of the anatomy of the urogenital area. The urethra is short and wide which allows the bacteria to quickly spread in the urinary tract. The antibiotics can clear out the infection but only with temporary effect.

    UTIfree targets the root cause of UTIs. It uses a hyaluronic acid filler to correct the anatomy of the urethra with only a couple injections. We create a physical barrier at the urethra entrance. This separates the bacteria from the urinary tract and keeps the urethra and bladder clear.

  • The treatment is safe and completely reversible.The procedure is done with a small amount of local anesthetic in the treatment area to allow for you to feel no discomfort, the procedure should take no longer than 15 minutes, and you will be able to leave the clinic shortly after.

  • UTIfree™ treatment is best suited for chronic and recurrent bacterial UTIs in women. Our doctor will examine you and assess the chances of the treatment success for your particular case.

  • The cost of UTIfree™ treatment varies from $1500 to $2000 and depends on the country/location of the procedure.

    One treatment is enough to keep you safe from UTIs for 1.5-2 years. This is how long it takes for the filler to be dissolved by the body. After that period of time one more treatment might be needed.

    Please contact us to locate the nearest clinic and the cost of the treatment.

  • Currently, our treatment is only available on a private pay basis. We understand the importance of accessibility and are actively working to make our treatment available through insurance in the future. We appreciate your understanding and hope to offer more payment options to better serve our clients soon.

  • The treatment is safe and completely reversible.

    As with any medication, in very rare cases, there might be individual intolerance to the filler components. The allergic reaction can be easily resolved with antihistamines.

  • Chronic UTI infections

    Chronic Urinary inflammation

    Constant urge to urinate

    Painful urination

    Difficulty urinating due to pain

    All these symptoms can be treated with UTIfree™ procedure.

  • UTIfree™ could mark a pivotal moment in your battle against so-called embedded or persistent bacteria. The treatment puts an end to the cycle of recurrent UTIs and shields your urinary tract from further bacterial invasions. By significantly reducing the infection, your body’s natural immunity can then eliminate the remaining bacteria in the bladder and urethra, freeing you from the need for long-term antibiotics.

  • Thousands of women have had this treatment over 10+ years and the success rate is 90% according to the research.

  • UTIfree is designed to prevent recurring urinary tract infections (UTIs) and facilitate the healing process. For optimal results, it should be used in conjunction with prescribed treatments for chronic urinary tract inflammation. Depending on your specific needs and your doctor's recommendations, this may include natural supplements or antibiotics. Some physicians may also recommend bladder instillations to replenish the bladder's protective lining.

    It is typically recommended that patients have UTIfree treatment and continue bladder therapy for a duration of 4 to 12 weeks. By the end of this period, not only should the chronic inflammation have subsided, but undergoing the UTIfree treatment will minimise the risk of new bacterial invasions freeing you from the threat of new inflammation and more antibiotics.

  • The results should be instant, and with no intercourse suggested for one month to allow full healing, the success of your treatment should allow you to be UTI free for a considerable time.

    In case of chronic inflammation it might take 2-3 months for the symptoms to settle down completely. However, the pain and burning sensation should start fading away soon after the treatment.

  • Absolutely! Our specialists will be happy to answer your questions and concerns. Please send us your details through the contact form and one of our team members will get in touch with you.